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UFRN's Progesp opens applications to hire visiting professors

UFRN has released a call for applications for visiting professors and foreign visiting professors interested in working at UFRN. The information related to this competitive selection process is available in the Call for Applications no. 052 of the Vice-Presidency of People Management (PROGESP), which informs that there are vacancies for Brazilian and foreign professors. Registration is carried out through SIGRH, in which the candidates can attach the documents to participate in the selection process in the period between July 22 and September 6.

The competitive selection process requires candidates to submit their identification documents, including CPF, curriculum vitae, the CV’s supporting documentation and work plan. There are 54 vacancies available. Salaries may reach BRL 23,300.00 (twenty-three thousand three hundred Brazilian reais) for Senior level and BRL 19,000.00 (nineteen thousand Brazilian reais) for Junior level. With respect to qualifications requirements, the call for applications establishes that Senior level visiting professors must have obtained a PhD / Doctoral degree at least 7 years ago, and hold a relevant scientific production, in addition to holding a Research Productivity scholarship from CNPq (or having an equivalent profile). Whereas junior level professionals must have obtained their PhD / Doctoral degree at least 3 years ago, and must be involved in relevant scientific productions in their respective areas.

In addition, the graduate program selected by the candidate is responsible for setting up a specific committee, which will verify the academic background of each applicant as well as the relationship with the intended research area. The stages of the selection process involve the registration; drawing of quotas for Black candidates and Candidates with Disability(ies); analysis of the Curriculum Vitae; and disclosure of the results. The disclosure of the results in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) is expected to occur on February 5, 2025.

Once approved in the selection process, the visiting professors will assist the graduate programs in the operation of the doctoral and master’s degree programs, in addition to contributing to research and faculty capacity building programs, across all UFRN campuses. The professors to be hired will assist stricto sensu programs of the following areas:

1) Life sciences (Biological, Health and Agrarian)

2) Humanities and Applied Social Sciences

3) Exact and Technological Sciences


You may see the full list and the call for applications by clicking here .

(22/07/2024) « Voltar
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